Hyalin rummaged through the drawer, muttering to herself. She distinctly remembered watching Master Gawan place the amulet in his desk drawer after Prince Myan's initiation ceremony. But now that they needed it for more than ceremonial purposes, she couldn't find it. Shifting aside magic inkwells, glimmering dragon scales, and dried cat bones, she kept watch for the tell-tale shimmer of polished jade.
Her hand touched the oak drawer bottom, and she groaned. Master Gawan had warned her that the amulet liked to wander. Why now of all times? The Queen was counting on the fabled protection spell for her negotiations with the King of Amarynth. The spell hadn't been used since the War of Famines seventy years prior, due to the complicated forging process.

With a sigh, she slammed the drawer shut and glanced around the office, searching. It wasn't on the mantle above the fireplace where it had wandered last time. She crouched down until her cheek brushed against the dirt-dusted cobblestone floor. If it hid underneath the desk it would glow a haunting green, but there was only darkness.
Hyalin stood, brushed herself off, and stopped. A glimmer in the corner of her eye drew her gaze upward to the amulet, hanging from a hook above her head. Glaring at the amulet, she stood on a wooden stool and reached.
Her outstretched fingertips brushed against the polished jade, and the worn leather strap snapped. Horrified, Hyalin watched as the amulet tumbled to the floor, shattering upon impact.