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Angela and Azra: Part 6

Writer's picture: JenalynJenalyn

Updated: Oct 1, 2019

Angela’s eyes fluttered open. She could hear Hogan saying something, but it was echoing and so distorted that she couldn’t understand him. And while she could see, it seemed far away, more like she was watching a movie than actually seeing out of her own eyes. She turned to the left—but wait, why was she turning left? She hadn’t actually wanted to turn left, it had just happened.

Her lips opened, and words came out, words that were not her own, “I am called Azra. I came as you have summoned. What is your bidding?”

Angela was so in shock by this development that she almost missed Hogan’s reply. Slowly her hearing came into focus, although it remained slightly distorted. “… your Master. You seemed to have some difficulty possessing this body. Did something go wrong?”

Angela’s hands came up, and she looked down at them, turning them over and inspecting them; once again, this action was not her own. “The girl resisted me,” Azra said with Angela’s voice. “Even now she is still inside me.”

That’s right, this is my body! Angela shouted. Get out of it and give it back!

Quiet, Azra replied.

Hogan, Mr. Worthington, and their followers all began to murmur among themselves. Hogan looked sharply at Angela and Azra. “Resisted you? You mean to tell me that you were unable to get rid of her?”

“I apologize,” Azra said. “She has an unexpectedly strong spirit. Previously only those who were weak of spirit were used in the possession ceremony. This is unprecedented.”

“I knew we shouldn’t have been too hasty,” Mr. Worthington said.

“Is there any way you can drive her out now?” Hogan asked.

Azra shook Angela’s head. “Not now that the ceremony is over. The ceremony makes the person more malleable, thus making it easier to sever the connection between body and spirit and put ourselves in the spirit’s place.”

Hogan folded his arms. “So you’re saying…?”

Azra shrugged. “I'm saying that now that the ceremony is over, the connection between her and this body has been partially reestablished. It would be very difficult to get rid of her now.”

That's right, Angela said. I'm not going anywhere. You're the one who's going to leave!

Haven't you been listening? Azra replied. Out loud she (he? it?) said, “I'm terribly sorry about this. This has never happened before.”

Mr. Worthington frowned. “Are you saying we need to do the ceremony again?”

“If we do, we'd have to wait until tomorrow night,” Hogan pointed out.

Azra bit her lip. “It would be very risky. There's no telling what might happen. Not to mention I'd have to push her out from the inside and not the outside. And she could just as easily push me out instead.”

Well, I'm certainly not going anywhere, Angela said. As she spoke (or thought, she wasn't entirely sure), she took her gaze away from the movie screen that was her vision. There, sitting in front of the screen, was a shrouded figure. Was that Azra?

Now that she wasn't so focused on trying to see the outside world, Angela saw that the inside of her mind was a lot different than she had expected. In fact, it looked very similar to her bedroom back home—not her bedroom at the new house, but the one she had grown up in and had spent most of her teenage years in.

Angela got up and walked around, taking it all in. Here was her daybed, with her collection of nearly a hundred stuffed animals completely covering the blue-and-turquoise marble comforter. And here was her fuzzy pink folding saucer chair, where she had spent countless hours reading, talking on the phone, texting, and listening to music. A few things were missing, like her textbooks and other things, but all of the things she missed about her old bedroom were there.

The biggest difference was that where her desk should have been was the large movie screen that showed the outside world. And, sitting in the swivel chair and looking on the outside world, was Azra. He or she looked mostly human, having two hands and two feet and all that, but something was off. Angela looked closer; it was the ears. Azra had pointed ears, much like a Tolkien elf, and a pair of curled ram’s horns just above the ears.

Azra wasn’t paying attention to Angela; he/she was too focused on what was going on outside. It was then that Angela realized what the swivel chair actually was: it was the pilot’s seat to her own body! So that was why Azra was currently in control and Angela was not. Did that mean that all she had to do to get her body back was to sit in that chair? It was worth a try.

Angela came up behind Azra, who was currently talking to Hogan. “Swearing about it isn't going to change anything,” he/she said with a smirk. “You might just have to deal with Angela and Azra, Angel and Demon. Consider yourself lucky; you've created the first Demon/Human hybrid.”

Hey, Demon, Angela said, looming over Azra. You’re in my seat. She grabbed the demon by both arms and yanked him/her out of the chair. Angela had been expecting it to be difficult, thinking the demon would be heavy, but instead it was rather easy. She supposed it had something to do with “strength of spirit” rather than bodily strength. She tossed the demon aside and sat down in the chair.

There was a moment of disorientation as her spirit assimilated itself with her body once again. She blinked a few times, her vision gradually coming back into focus. Hogan was crouched down in front of her, speaking quietly and urgently. “Are you all right? What happened?”

She moaned, her head pounding. Even now that she was in control, she could still hear Azra speaking; she could even feel the demon’s presence in the back of her mind. “What did you do to me?” she said, rubbing at her temples.

Hogan paused. “Which one of you is this?”

Angela scoffed. “You mean you really can’t tell the difference between me and that demon? I’m insulted.” Now that she had a demon sharing her body she no longer cared about being submissive or obedient, and her true nature spilled out of her mouth.

I’ll let you have control for a few minutes, human, the demon said from inside her mind. But then I need to get back to business.

Hogan sighed. “I don’t need you. Let me talk to Azra.”

“No,” Angela said, crossing her arms. “This is my body. But I’m willing to pass a message on for you if you want.”

You really think he’s going to agree to that? the demon asked. You’re pretty naïve if you believe that.

Shut up, Angela thought back.

Hogan stood up, shaking his head. “I don’t have time for this.” He flicked his fingers at Angela. “Dimitto.”

Angela had completely forgotten that she was still in a forced kneeling position; being released was a sweet, welcome relief. But she didn’t get to enjoy it for long. The moment she was released from the partial shackle spell she felt herself ripped away from the seat and thrown to the floor of her mind.

Thanks for releasing the spell for me. The demon tackled her until she was pinned down, unable to move. Now that she could see Azra’s true face, Angela saw that he/she had eyes like a cat’s, with slit, vertical pupils, only they were red and orange rather than green.

Angela shuddered. Let go of me! she shouted, struggling to get free.

Sorry, the demon said with a wide grin. But I can’t have you interfering at the moment. He/she looked around. That will do for now. He (Angela was beginning to think of the demon as a male) got up, keeping his grip around Angela’s wrists so that she was forced to get up with him. He hauled her to the back wall and thrust her to the floor.

Angela raced to get up, but before she could, iron bars suddenly slammed down in front of her, boxing her in. Hey! Let me out!

Be a good girl and stay there for a bit while I deal with the foolish humans who summoned me. He walked back over to the swivel chair and paused. They’re probably wondering why our body suddenly lost consciousness.

Angela kicked at the iron bars. It didn’t hurt, just as grappling with the demon hadn’t hurt, but the iron bars didn’t budge. I think you mean MY body, she said.

He smiled, showing off his demon fangs. Sorry, sweetheart, but we’re sharing this body now. He sat down in the chair with a flourish.

He hauled her to the back wall and thrust her to the floor. Angela raced to get up, but before she could, iron bars suddenly slammed down in front of her, boxing her in. Hey! Let me out! Be a good girl and stay there for a bit while I deal with the foolish humans who summoned me. He walked back over to the swivel chair and paused. They’re probably wondering why our body suddenly lost consciousness.  Angela kicked at the iron bars. It didn’t hurt, just as grappling with the demon hadn’t hurt, but the iron bars didn’t budge. I think you mean MY body, she said. He smiled, showing off his demon fangs. Sorry, sweetheart, but we’re sharing this body now. He sat down in the chair with a flourish.

Angela watched as the view on the screen flickered, the view coming slowly into focus as her body’s eyes fluttered open. She kicked at the iron bars again, but nothing happened. Where had the bars come from, anyway?

Hogan was standing a few feet away from where Angela’s body lay on the ground, his arms crossed as he waited for her to regain consciousness. “Is this going to become a regular thing?” he asked.

“Forgive me,” Azra said, pushing herself up off the floor. “I did not anticipate that she would discover how to take over.”

Hogan peered at her. “Let me guess. Azra?”

Azra nodded as she dusted herself off. “Correct. I apologize for blacking out momentarily, but there was a bit of a struggle between us. I have detained her for the time being.”

Hogan raised an eyebrow. “I guess I’ll have to take your word for it.”

Ha! Angela couldn't help scoffing at that. If he really thinks he can take your word for anything he knows less about demons than he thinks, she said, shaking her head. Even I know not to trust a demon.

That is true, Azra said, without any shame whatsoever. I’m pretty sure he already knows that, though. Out loud she said to Hogan, “So what is your purpose in summoning me here? We were interrupted before you could answer me.”

Hogan bit his knuckle as he tried to think about it. “I think we better wait on that, considering your… condition. Hopefully, we can find a way to permanently resolve this matter before we get down to business.”

“Ah.” Azra nodded. “I understand. You're afraid that security may be breached because of the girl.”

I do have a name, you know, Angela put in. It wouldn't hurt you to use it.

Hogan shrugged. “That's just how it is.” He pushed himself off from his position against the wall. “You may as well get some sleep for now. We won't be able to do anything until midnight tomorrow.”

Azra gave him a small bow. “Of course. Would you mind directing me to my quarters?”

Hogan waved his hand and headed for the door. “Just have Angie tell you where to go.”

Angela bristled at Hogan’s use of the nickname. That's Angela to you, freak. Only her parents and close friends were allowed to call her “Angie,” and only her Dad called her that regularly. Most of her friends only used “Angie” when they were being overly affectionate or were teasing her. Hearing such an affectionate nickname coming from Hogan’s mouth made her want to vomit; unfortunately, she couldn’t even do that at the moment, being in her own body and unable to control it.

He can’t hear you, Azra said. He turned the chair around so that he was facing Angela. How did he manage to do that and still control her body? Mind telling me where we’re supposed to sleep tonight?

Angela sighed. The storage room, she said.

Azra gave Angela an incredulous look. I don’t really appreciate a joke like that at the moment, he said.

Angela shrugged. It’s not a joke. Hogan set up a cot in one of the storage rooms for me to sleep on.

Azra eyed Angela for a moment before swinging the chair around again. Direct me, he said, walking out the door and into the hallway.

You can go either way, it doesn’t matter, Angela said. She started feeling around the edges of the iron bars, hoping to find a crack or a flaw of some sort that she could exploit while he wasn’t looking. The storage room is on the opposite side, so both ways are about the same.

Azra shrugged and turned to the right. She walked down the hall and opened the first door she saw.

That’s the bathroom, Angela said. Finding no cracks between the bars and the walls, she sat down with a thump. The storage room is around the next corner.

Azra ignored her, stepping into the bathroom and flipping on the light. She moved in front of the mirror, leaning on the sink to get a closer look. She moved her head this way and that, getting a good look from every possible angle. Hmm, I suppose it’s not a bad body. At least you’re not some ugly old man, like the last body I inhabited.

You’re disgusting, Angela said, shaking her head.

What, I can’t care about what kind of body I inhabit? he asked. It’s okay for you to care about what you look like, but not me?

Angela rolled her eyes. That’s not what I meant. I was talking about you body-hopping like you were playing musical chairs.

Azra reached up and fingered her hair. You would too if you didn’t have a body of your own. She pulled at a lock of hair, letting it bounce back into place. Your hair is so curly!

Quit playing with my hair, pervert! Angela snapped.

As I said, it’s our hair now. You’re not the only one in this body. Azra stopped suddenly, then pulled down the corner of her collar, exposing the strange tattoo on her right shoulder. What’s this?

That? Angela shrugged. Some sort of tattoo Hogan drew there when he did the ceremony to put this spell on me.

Azra whirled around to face her. “What spell?” he asked so sharply that he did so out loud.

Angela was taken aback by his sudden intensity. He called it a shackle spell, or something like that. It flattens me whenever I try to leave the building.

Damn! Azra slammed a fist against the bathroom mirror. No wonder he was so willing to let us roam free! She hissed, shaking her hand from the pain.

Hey, that's my body you're hurting, you know, Angela said. She sat up, grabbing one of the iron bars. You mean to tell me you didn't know about it?

Of course not! Azra snapped. It's been hundreds of years since I was last summoned. I was hoping they were just being negligent and forgot to bind me. How was I supposed to know they would have the knowledge to use a shackle spell?

Wasn’t the spell they used to keep me in place for the ceremony a shackle spell? Angela asked.

Azra shook her head and examined the tattoo more closely. Not exactly. That was just a simple binding spell. A shackle spell is more complicated, as it requires a blood contract between the person performing the spell and the person under the spell.

Ah. That makes sense. Angela sighed and leaned back on her hands.

Any idea which spell he used? Azra asked.

No clue. All I heard was a bunch of gibberish.

Azra sighed, turned out the light, and left the bathroom. Was it in Latin? he asked.

I don't know. Probably, Angela said. It kind of sounded that way.

Hmm, was all he said. He didn't say anything else even as Angela directed him to the storage room. Azra sat down on the cot, not saying a word for several minutes.

Finally, he swung the chair around to face Angela. Can you tell me exactly what he did? Maybe I can get a clue from that.

Wait, Angela said. Are you saying you can break the shackle spell?

Maybe. He shrugged. Depends on which spell he used. So can you tell me what he did?

Angela shrugged. Basically, he cut my shoulder, then cut his hand and mixed our blood together. Then he used the blood to draw these weird symbols on my face and shoulder. That's it.

Weird symbols? Azra asked. Can you describe them to me?

Even better, Angela said. I can show you. He has some books in his workshop with some of the same symbols on them.

I see. Azra got up from the cot and opened Angela’s suitcase.

Wait, what are you doing? Angela sprang to her feet, pressing herself against the bars.

I was going to change into some pajamas, Azra said. This shift is itchy.

No way am I letting you undress my body, you pervert! Angela shouted.

Azra looked at Angela over his shoulder. Calm down. I’m just changing clothes.

Can’t you just let me do it? Angela asked, squeezing the bars tight.

What difference is that going to make? Azra asked, pulling out Angela’s pair of lavender silk pajamas.

Angela let go of the bars and slammed her palms against them. It would make a world of difference!

Azra shook the folds out of her pajamas. Sorry, Angie, but I can’t let you out of there just yet. If it bothers you that much, look away. And with that, she began to undress.

Perverted bastard! Angela kicked at the bars as hard as she could. Let me out!

Azra ignored her, swiftly shedding the plain white dress and donning the silk pajamas. She grabbed a hair tie from her bathroom bag and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Much better. She kicked the dress aside and flipped the light switch before flinging herself down on the cot. We’d better get some sleep. You can show me the workshop tomorrow.

Hey, wait a minute! You can’t just leave me in here! Angela tried shaking the bars, to no avail.

Quiet, Azra said. I'm trying to sleep. And with that, she closed her eyes and promptly went to sleep.

To Be Continued


© 2018 by Jenalyn.
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